03 dicembre 2008

A Premier With a Hand in TV News Sues His Journalist Critics

In recent years, Mr. Berlusconi has sued the magazine The Economist for writing that he was not “fit to run Italy" and the British journalist David Lane for his 2004 book, “Berlusconi’s Shadow,” which explored the origins of his fortune and noted that some of his associates had been investigated for Mafia ties. Mr. Berlusconi lost those cases in lower court and either has appealed them or still has the possibility of doing so.

“What makes it different is that he’s the most powerful politician and richest man,” said Mr. Lane, the Rome correspondent of The Economist and a target of Mr. Berlusconi’s lawsuits. “He controls the media. He’s working from a position of maximum strength.”

A parte che a me, leggere "Mr" Berlusconi, fa ridere, credo che qui si dica molto più di quello che normalmente sentiamo sui nostri giornali. Forse le notizie arrivano troppo diluite, o forse ci abbiamo fatto il callo, come si suol dire, non so.

E' poi il concetto di forza a farmi una certa paura. C'è da chiederselo... se il suo consenso alle prossime elezioni non diminuirà, perhé puo' anche essere, cosa potrebbe succedere?

Dal sito del New York Times

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